
Open Buy Orders

Item Price Quantity min. QL max. QL Expiration Date Created
GRACE 64b 1 30 30 2025-01-29UTC23:36:13+00:00 2024-12-06UTC01:33:14+00:00

Open Sell Orders

Item Price Quantity QL Expiration Date Created
Alien Augmentation Device - Technical Knowledge 949m 8 150 2025-01-01UTC01:39:51+00:00 2024-12-19UTC17:33:52+00:00
Alien Augmentation Device - Defensive 979m 6 150 2024-12-28UTC12:14:51+00:00 2024-12-14UTC18:40:52+00:00
Ithaca Ki-8 Snakeman 179m 1 189 2024-12-28UTC20:44:42+00:00 2024-12-15UTC12:41:42+00:00
Alien Augmentation Device - Combat 939m 17 150 2024-12-28UTC12:14:42+00:00 2024-12-15UTC12:48:42+00:00
Ring of Luck - Offensive 149m 1 176 2025-01-03UTC00:55:32+00:00 2024-12-21UTC04:52:32+00:00
Metallic Mantis Armor Gloves 149m 1 200 2025-01-03UTC00:52:42+00:00 2024-12-21UTC07:51:42+00:00
Dispirited Brain Spirit of Offence 79m 1 210 2025-01-03UTC00:53:12+00:00 2024-12-21UTC19:35:12+00:00
Adrenaline Factory 349m 1 260 2025-01-01UTC01:44:02+00:00 2024-12-22UTC20:46:02+00:00