2-Hand Edge Skill NCU (6/6)
1000m |
5 |
300 |
2025-02-20UTC14:03:11+00:00 |
2025-01-15UTC05:30:12+00:00 |
2-Hand Edge Skill NCU (6/6)
1000m |
5 |
300 |
2025-02-20UTC14:03:02+00:00 |
2025-01-15UTC05:30:02+00:00 |
500m |
1 |
104 |
2025-02-18UTC09:58:03+00:00 |
2025-01-15UTC11:13:03+00:00 |
Combined Commando's Sleeves
1.5b |
2 |
300 |
2025-01-29UTC11:09:42+00:00 |
2025-01-15UTC12:19:42+00:00 |
Combined Commando's Gloves
850m |
1 |
300 |
2025-01-29UTC11:09:51+00:00 |
2025-01-15UTC12:19:52+00:00 |
Combined Commando's Legwear
1.5b |
1 |
300 |
2025-01-29UTC11:11:02+00:00 |
2025-01-15UTC12:20:02+00:00 |
Lava capsule
550k |
8745 |
250 |
2025-02-10UTC23:51:41+00:00 |
2025-01-15UTC12:48:42+00:00 |
Mortiig Beater of Torture
3b |
2 |
125 |
2025-02-04UTC10:24:21+00:00 |
2025-01-15UTC15:06:22+00:00 |
Chef Cleaver
1.7b |
2 |
160 |
2025-02-04UTC09:54:51+00:00 |
2025-01-08UTC02:13:52+00:00 |
500m |
1 |
104 |
2025-02-18UTC09:57:42+00:00 |
2025-01-10UTC06:36:43+00:00 |
Sword of Wonder
2b |
1 |
260 |
2025-01-23UTC14:03:51+00:00 |
2025-01-12UTC09:03:52+00:00 |
NanoCrystal (Sloughing Combat Field)
3b |
3 |
196 |
2025-02-22UTC18:45:22+00:00 |
2025-01-12UTC11:31:22+00:00 |
NanoCrystal (Shield of the Obedient Servant)
3b |
2 |
192 |
2025-03-08UTC18:44:42+00:00 |
2025-01-12UTC19:03:42+00:00 |
Miy's Tank Armor Boots
100m |
1 |
194 |
2025-02-08UTC00:33:21+00:00 |
2025-01-13UTC10:16:21+00:00 |
Nano Crystal (Creation: Shield of Asmodian)
2b |
3 |
205 |
2025-02-22UTC18:45:02+00:00 |
2025-01-13UTC12:24:02+00:00 |
Miy's Scary Armor Boots
500m |
2 |
300 |
2025-03-08UTC18:22:22+00:00 |
2025-01-14UTC23:19:22+00:00 |