Icon of Wrapped Premium Health and Nano Recharger

Wrapped Premium Health and Nano Recharger AUNO

QL 1 - 1
Buy Sell
Average Price Last 7 Days Average Price Last 7 Days

Price History

Open Buy Orders

Price Quantity min. QL max. QL Buyer Expiration Date Created
600,000,000 3 1 1 Zetuk 2025-02-09UTC00:10:52+00:00 2024-12-16UTC10:02:53+00:00
700,000,000 1 1 1 Kropka 2024-12-28UTC20:34:52+00:00 2024-12-16UTC10:02:53+00:00
460,000,000 7 1 1 Kropka 2025-01-24UTC19:35:52+00:00 2024-11-29UTC21:43:52+00:00
219,000,000 100 1 1 Wetvet 2025-01-20UTC22:13:52+00:00 2024-11-28UTC06:32:52+00:00
392,000,000 4 1 1 Playboyfixer 2025-01-02UTC09:50:52+00:00 2024-11-07UTC19:16:52+00:00
510,000,000 5 1 1 Kropka 2025-01-11UTC21:57:52+00:00 2024-12-15UTC08:17:52+00:00
688,000,000 1 1 1 Carryonlugs 2024-12-28UTC01:32:52+00:00 2024-12-15UTC08:17:52+00:00
475,000,000 1 1 1 Carryonlugs 2025-01-11UTC16:31:52+00:00 2024-12-15UTC08:17:52+00:00
1,000,000,000 1 1 1 Ballsofleet 2025-01-03UTC18:36:52+00:00 2024-12-21UTC03:06:53+00:00
700,000,000 2 1 1 Kropka 2025-02-13UTC22:00:52+00:00 2024-12-21UTC03:06:53+00:00
500,000,000 2 1 1 Kropka 2025-02-14UTC23:11:52+00:00 2024-12-21UTC03:06:53+00:00
675,000,000 5 1 1 Carryonlugs 2025-01-15UTC02:01:52+00:00 2024-12-19UTC20:08:52+00:00
660,000,000 2 1 1 Carryonlugs 2025-01-15UTC01:40:52+00:00 2024-12-19UTC20:08:52+00:00
690,000,000 1 1 1 Carryonlugs 2025-01-08UTC00:50:52+00:00 2024-12-12UTC08:22:52+00:00
210,000,000 100 1 1 Foresthump 2025-02-01UTC08:34:52+00:00 2024-12-12UTC08:22:52+00:00
460,000,000 8 1 1 Kropka 2025-02-05UTC12:08:52+00:00 2024-12-12UTC08:22:52+00:00
400,000,000 4 1 1 Kropka 2025-02-05UTC09:05:52+00:00 2024-12-12UTC08:22:52+00:00
392,700,000 100 1 1 Pulitzer 2025-02-16UTC08:54:52+00:00 2024-12-22UTC15:15:52+00:00
350,000,000 4 1 1 Smithyheals 2025-01-04UTC11:52:52+00:00 2024-12-22UTC15:15:52+00:00
1,000,000,000 3 1 1 Wyldler 2025-01-03UTC18:55:52+00:00 2024-12-21UTC03:06:53+00:00

Open Sell Orders

Price Quantity QL Seller Expiration Date Created
1,706,000,000 2 1 Zzeta 2025-01-25UTC17:04:52+00:00 2024-11-30UTC22:04:52+00:00
490,000,000 1 261 Zetuk 2025-01-01UTC19:35:42+00:00 2024-12-19UTC14:59:42+00:00
1,725,000,000 4 1 Coldether 2025-01-10UTC05:36:52+00:00 2024-12-13UTC10:00:52+00:00
1,800,000,000 1 1 Nowa0 2025-01-22UTC08:14:52+00:00 2024-11-28UTC06:32:52+00:00
1,800,000,000 1 1 Nowa0 2025-01-22UTC08:17:52+00:00 2024-11-28UTC06:32:52+00:00